Tag Archive | Patriot

“America and Britain are the ‘shadow images’ of each other.”

Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire

Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire Photo: Klaus with K Source: Wikicommons

Using their commentary on Britain to crystallize thoughts on their own country is something many Americans chose to do in 2005. For some this was an affirmation of their patriotism, for others like Aranka, a 45 year old artist from Florida, it was an opportunity to focus on her issues with American society.

I think that England’s ‘stiff upper lip’ image was created by a long history of being ruled by a monarchy.  While even that institution is now fodder for the masses even in your own country it remains an integral part of the breeding.  You may not always agree with your government or your Queen, but how you go about expressing it publicly is still so much more genteel.  Your culture is cloaked in the properness of pomp and circumstance that does not exist in the States.  Americans have “your highness envy” (it is nearly impossible to explain to Americans that no matter how much money they have, it cannot buy them the refinement of European culture they lack).

Americans on the other hand are ruled by religion even though our constitution clearly states that one of our founding principles is a separation of church and state.  The morality issues and pervasive “judgment” mentality of America that is seemingly so foreign to other western cultures, will eventually have the same effect on Americans that years of “stiff upper lip” indoctrination has had on Britons.  It will become a fabric that eventually gets spun into a cloak we will wear (willingly or not) and be forced to deal with for years to come.

Britons have endured a monarch far longer than we have put up with religious zealots.  Where perhaps the weight of that cloak is staring to lift on the English, the profound implications of it are yet to be understood by the Americans who are surrendering to it.  You have endured to become the people you are, the way that you are.  Your culture has beaten your people into submission by virtue of a monarchy and strong religious beliefs earlier on that create the polite, class conscious, socially appropriate people that you are.

You are all starting to loosen up, and we are hundreds of years behind heading into the dark cavern from where you have emerged. Americans have long enjoyed a free-for all mentality that some find endearing and others find downright heathen.  The recent shift of religion playing such a strong role in politics is putting a collective noose on Americans.  Our “rogue” mentality is not unlike what it was when we left your wonderful country so many years ago to escape what we are suddenly now becoming, which is something you have long since let go.

In an ironic role reversal, Britons are getting fed up with having to support a monarchy that resembles the many dysfunctional American families who plaster our daily talk shows.  Americans are still in awe of the ceremony of your country, the magnificent museums, and beautiful buildings (that Americans tear down as fast as they build because bigger is better).

I believe America and Britain are the “shadow images” of each other.  We see the absolute best in you and your culture, while often failing to recognize that the propensity is there for us to equally become the things that we view as negative or wrong about each other.  Likewise those things you like most about us are what you have the potential to be (or most certainly are).  Equally, the very worst of our behavior that was once looked down upon is slowly invading not only your culture, but others as well.

If you didn’t have such cold weather, and the dollar was stronger, I would move to London in a heartbeat!  It is one of the greatest cities in the world for art, theater and restaurants.  And, while I have had only one British lover in my life (and he did support the theory that this is not a strong suit for the men there), I would much rather have a man who is polite than one who is great in bed.  Eventually every man loses his abilities in bed!  But British men will be polite all of their lives.  You can’t say that about Americans!

What do you think about Britain?